PISANG – Ten years on

The first meeting to form PISANG was held in Malaysia in late 2007. Subsequently PISANG was registered in the UK on 8th May 2008. Over the past 10 years we have made significant progress and achievement. When we started, people were sceptical about jinn possession and many of those who were suffering from jinn possession lived in fear of being labelled as superstitious and backwards. We started our drive for public awareness through organising mobile clinics and training on ruqyah in UK, Egypt, Yemen, Australia, South Korea and Malaysia. We also organised 2 experts seminars on “The implementation of sihr law” with the Selangor State Mufti Department in Malaysia. Since then, people no longer felt inferior in talking about jinn possession and the number of ruqyah centres mushroomed.

Our mission is not limited to awareness but to make interventions for jinn possession mainstream. This cannot be achieved by posting exorcism videos on YouTube. Instead it need a lot of academic research by combining naqli (Islamic text) and aqli (logic, experimental) evidences to create evidenced-based intervention. Our own internal research has produced Pisangtherapy as an effective intervention for jinn possession. Pisangtherapy stands for Psychological Intervention for Spiritual Actualisation N Gratification Therapy. It is a combination of ruqyah and Islamic-Existential and Humanistic psychotherapy. Our psychotherapy philosophy is derived from Islamic exisetential philosophy and focuses on guidance towards achieving Spiritual Actualisation (state of Ihsan as mentioned in Hadith Jibrail) with Gratification (shukur) as a feedback assessment.

Our efforts in mobilising professionals and academicians to embark on research on jinn possession is progressing at a very encouraging rate. We have participated in many academic conferences including the recent International Muslim Mental Health Conference 2018 in Malaysia. A lot of papers on ruqyah and jinn possession were also presented by various participants during the conference. Discussing about jinn possession is no longer a taboo and Prof Dr Hatta Shaharom, a leading psychiatrist in Malaysia, advised participants not to waste time arguing with those who do not believe in jinn possession.

As we move into our second decade of operation, we are also planning to train competent therapists for jinn possession. Our therapists will be required to have a good understanding of various knowledge such as anatomy and physiology; psychotherapy theories and approaches; and other relevant modules. Only Muslims who can read the Quran with tajwid are eligible to enrol on our courses. Further details will be made available later.

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