Understanding the Use of Ruqyah

What are the views of Imam al-Bukhari on the use of ruqyah in the treatment of diseases. Read our paper to know more.

Paper title: Understanding the Use of Ruqyah (Healing Method Based on The Quran and Hadith) in the Treatment of Disease: Analysis based on Fiqh al-Hadith Al-Imam Al-Bukhari

Tajuk kertas: Pemahaman Terhadap Aspek Penggunaan Ruqyah Dalam Rawatan Penyakit: Analisis Berasaskan Fiqh al-Hadith Imam Al-Bukhari

Journal: Paper: Al-Bayn Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies 14 (2016) 168-205

Ruqyah refers to the healing method based on the Quran and hadith through the recitation of the Quran, seeking of refuge, remembrance and supplication that is used as a means of treating sickness and other problems, by reading verses of the Quran, the names and attributes of Allah, or by using the prayers in Arabic or in a language the meaning of which is understood. The use of ruqyah as a method of treatment is popular among the Islamic alternative healing practitioners. This method of ruqyah is based on the recommendations and practices carried out by the Prophet (pbuh) for self-treatment or to help his Sahabah and others. Through analysis of the inductive, deductive and historical approaches, this article aims to explain the views of Imam al-Bukhari in relation to aspects of ruqyah and its use in the treatment of disease by analysing some chapters translated (tarjamah al-bab) by Imam al-Bukhari in the Kitab al-Tibb. The results show that the use of ruqyah in the treatment of diseases refers to the discussion of the seven chapters translated (tarjamah al-bab) on three main issues:


Ms Nor Azian is also the Secretary and Directory of Research of PISANG.
The full paper can be obtained from http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/22321969-12340038

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