

Psychosis: Jinn Related and Psychological

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PISANG secretary, Dr Azian, delivered a talk on “Psychosis: Jinn Related and Psychological” at Bait al-Rahmaan mosque in Ridderkerk, Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 19th October 2019. Is psychosis purely a medical condition or can it also be caused by jinn?…

Visit to Afesip Cambodia

We went to Afesip Cambodia, an organisation in Cambodia that provide refuge for female children who have been sexually and physically abused. We came to know about this organisation when we heard that it had recently taken care of a…

Buku baru: Metodologi Rawatan Islam Terhadap Kerasukan Jin

Alhamdulillah Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia telah menerbitkan buku baru kami. Buku ini adalah sedutan dari tesis Dr Hamidi Abdul Rahman dan mengandungi bab-bab yang menghubung-kaitkan kajian saintifik dan fenomena kerasukan jin. Semoga masyarakat awam akan mendapat manfaat dengan ilmu perubatan…

Case Study of the Treatment of Endometrial Cancer

endometrial cancer

Paper title: Case Study of the Treatment of Endometrial Cancer Using al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī By Zaharom Ridzwan, Hamidi Abdul Rahman, Nor Azian Ab Rahman Abstract This case study looks into the treatment of endometrial cancer using al-ṭibb al-abawī. The subject, a…

Islamic Existential Psychotherapy

Paper title: Islamic Existential Psychotherapy as Intervention for Inter Psyche Conflicts in Jinn Possession By Hamidi Abdul Rahman, Supyan Hussin and Zaharom Ridzwan Abstract Introduction: Jinn possession and mental disorder have overlapping symptoms, and different therapy disciplines may diagnose those…

Repeat Offender with Jinn Possession

Why do some people keep repeating crimes and feel nothing is wrong with them? Read our research paper on a case study of a person who keeps on committing violent crimes even though he has been jailed several times. Paper…

Identification of Jinn Possession

jinn possession scale

There are many instruments or psychometric scales to measure mental disorders. These instruments use symptoms to diagnose if someone has a certain mental disorder. When a jinn enters a human body, it will create some symptoms. Therefore it is possible…