

PISANG held Mobile Clinic in Bradford

mobile clinic in Bradford

The success of the mobile clinic in Sheffield has prompted some members of the Muslim community in Bradford to invite PISANG to hold a private mobile clinic there. The closed event which took place on Saturday 22nd May was attended…

Islamic Medical Treatment Mobile Clinic

mobile clinic

The next Islamic Medical treatment mobile clinic for jinn-screening and treatment of jinn-related problems will be held as follows: Date: Saturday 2nd May 2009Time: 9.00 am – 11.30 amVenue: Cheetham CE Primary School, Halliwell Lane, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 9FR…

PISANG Opens Therapy Centre in Bicester

Pisang House

PISANG opens its new office and therapy centre today. The opening ceremony of Pisang House was attended by Hamidi Abdul Rahman, Nor Azian Ab. Rahman, Mohamad Hadi Talhah, Abdul Halim Din and Shamsina Abdul Karim. With the new centre at 43 Osprey…

Islamic Medical Treatment Mobile Clinic in Oxford

Insha’Allah we will be holding a Mobile Clinic in Oxford as follows: Date: Saturday 3rd April 2010 Time: 10am – 12pm Venue: Iqra School, David Nicholls Close, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4PU Entrance is free and all are welcome Programme: 1. Introduction to Islamic…

Islamic Medical Treatment Mobile Clinic in Sheffield

sheffield mobile clinic

Isha’Allah we will be holding an Islamic Medical Treatment mobile clinic in Sheffield as follows: Date: Sunday 14th March 2010 (1030am – 6:30pm) Venue: PMC (Pakistan Muslim Centre), Woodbourn Road, Darnall, Sheffield, S9 Organisers: PISANG (Professional Islamic Support and Nurture…

Papers from Muzakarah Pakar

Muzakarah Pakar 1

Jabatan Mufti Selangor, Malaysia with the cooperation from PISANG organised a seminar “Muzakarah Pakar: Bentuk-bentuk Sihir Pengasih dan Metodologi Diagnosis” on 16 December 2009. Two papers in Malay were presented at the seminar: Papers can be obtained in the Download…

PISANG events in Egypt

PISANG in Egypt

PISANG held several events Egypt recently when a team comprising of Trimizi Zainal, Hamidi Abdul Rahman, Qurrotu Akyun Daud and Sarah Hamidi were there from 29th June to 16th July 2009. The trip was a response to the invitation by…