Books on Shafi’i Fiqh
The Accessible Conspectus:
A Commentary on Abu Shuja Al-Asfahani’s Matn al-Ghayat wa-l-Taqrib
by Musa Furber
ISBN-10: 1944904042
Reliance of the Traveller:
Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law
by Nuh Ha Mim Keller
ISBN-10: 9780915957729
Sources of Islamic Fiqh
- Quran
- Sunnah (All that is attributed to the Prophet p.b.u.h. in words, actions or approval)
- Ijma (concensus of scholars who are qualified to make ijtihad)
- Qias (analogy)
There are 5 rulings:
- Wajib / fardh (obligatory). Reward will be given if performed and punishment will be given if not performed. This is divided into 2 categories i.e.
- Fardhu ‘ayn (personal obligation). Obligation that is imposed on every individual e.g. fardh prayers
- Fardhu kifayah (communal obligation). Obligation that is imposed on a community. If no member of the community perform the obligation, then the punishment will be given to the whole community e.g. performing funeral prayer
- Mandub / sunnah (recommended ). Reward will be given if performed and no punishment will be given if not performed.
- Haram (unlawful). Reward will be given if not performed and punishment will be given if performed.
- Makruh (offensive). Reward will be given if not performed but no punishment will be given if performed.
- Mubah (permissible). No reward will be given if not performed and no punishment will be given if performed.
The Signs of Puberty
- Reaching the age of 15 (lunar) years for a male or a female.
- Experiencing a wet dream by a 9 year old boy or girl.
- Menstruation for a 9 year old girl