
Shafi’i Fiqh

Books on Shafi’i Fiqh

The Accessible Conspectus

The Accessible Conspectus:
A Commentary on Abu Shuja Al-Asfahani’s Matn al-Ghayat wa-l-Taqrib

by Musa Furber

ISBN-10: 1944904042

Reliance of the Traveller

Reliance of the Traveller:
Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law

by Nuh Ha Mim Keller

ISBN-10: 9780915957729

The Ship of Salvation
(PDF Edition)

The Principles and Jurisprudence of al-Imam al-Shafi’i

Sources of Islamic Fiqh

  1. Quran
  2. Sunnah (All that is attributed to the Prophet p.b.u.h. in words, actions or approval)
  3. Ijma (concensus of scholars who are qualified to make ijtihad)
  4. Qias (analogy)


There are 5 rulings:

  1. Wajib / fardh (obligatory). Reward will be given if performed and punishment will be given if not performed. This is divided into 2 categories i.e.
    •  Fardhu ‘ayn (personal obligation). Obligation that is imposed on every individual e.g. fardh prayers
    •  Fardhu kifayah (communal obligation). Obligation that is imposed on a community. If no member of the community perform the obligation, then the punishment will be given to the whole community e.g. performing funeral prayer
  2. Mandub / sunnah (recommended ). Reward will be given if performed and no punishment will be given if not performed.
  3. Haram (unlawful). Reward will be given if not performed and punishment will be given if performed.
  4. Makruh (offensive). Reward will be given if not performed but no punishment will be given if performed.
  5. Mubah (permissible). No reward will be given if not performed and no punishment will be given if performed.

The Signs of Puberty

  1. Reaching the age of 15 (lunar) years for a male or a female.
  2. Experiencing a wet dream by a 9 year old boy or girl.
  3. Menstruation for a 9 year old girl
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