
Aqeedah: Inconceivable Attributes of Allah

Among the attributes that are impossible to be true of Allah are 20 attributes that are the opposites of the 20 mentioned above, including:

  1. Non-existence
  2. Being an event i.e. having a beginning
  3. Having an end
  4. Similarity to events
  5. It is also impossible that Allah should not be self-existent
  6. It is also impossible that Allah not be One
  7. It is also impossible that Allah should be unable to bring into existence any event which has the possibility of existence
  8. to give existence to anything which He had not willed for, out of negligence, inattention, illness, or by cause or nature
  9. It is also impossible that Allah should be characterized by ignorance, or lack of knowledge of any matter
  10. Death
  11. Deafness
  12. Blindness
  13. Lack of Speech

The last 7 are the opposites of the last 7 of the Mandatory Atrributes

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