Among the attributes that are impossible to be true of Allah are 20 attributes that are the opposites of the 20 mentioned above, including:
- Non-existence
- Being an event i.e. having a beginning
- Having an end
- Similarity to events
- It is also impossible that Allah should not be self-existent
- It is also impossible that Allah not be One
- It is also impossible that Allah should be unable to bring into existence any event which has the possibility of existence
- to give existence to anything which He had not willed for, out of negligence, inattention, illness, or by cause or nature
- It is also impossible that Allah should be characterized by ignorance, or lack of knowledge of any matter
- Death
- Deafness
- Blindness
- Lack of Speech
The last 7 are the opposites of the last 7 of the Mandatory Atrributes