

What is Purification?

  1. It means being in a state of purification and cleanliness 
  2. One is physically purified from impurities called najis (filth) on his body, clothing and Immediate surrounding.
  3. One is spiritually purified from impurities called hadath 
  4. The lifting of these impurities will allow you to perform your solat, hence it is the condition if your ibadat being accepted
  5. What are the items that can be used for purification?
    • Water
    • Other pure liquid
    • Any clean dry solid such as soil, stone or paper


Definition: being in the state of impure due to the condition one is in.

There are 2 types of hadath:

  1. Major hadith
  2. Minor hadath

Why do we need to be pure before worshipping?

  1. It is a unique requirement in Islam that before we offer ourselves in devotion to our God, we must enter into a state of ceremonial purity in which we have to wash ourselves and made our mental state properly prepared
  2. To help us to change our state of mind while worshipping 
  3. To unite our physical condition (clean from najis) and our mind 

Major Hadath

  1. One is in a state of impure which requires Ghusl (obligatory shower) to be pure again
  2. Reasons of becoming impure
    • Menstruation
    • Post-natal bleeding
    • Wiladah
    • Sexual intercourse
    • Emission of fluids from both man (sperm) and women (sexual fluid)
    • Death except for martyr (a special topic later)
    • Upon becoming a Muslim / entering Islam

Minor Hadath

  1. It is a state of impure which requires taking wudhu (ablution) to become pure again
  2. If water is not available it can be replaced by Tayammum
  3. Reasons of becoming impure, that is wudhu is nullified

Sources of water

  1. River
  2. Sea
  3. Rain
  4. Well
  5. Dew
  6. Spring
  7. Snow

Categories of Water

  1. Mutlak or pure and purifying water that can be used for drinking and for cleaning (example: lifting the hadath, for istinjak, taking wudhu and cleaning najis)
    • The water has not been contaminated with either clean elements (example perfume, milk, coffee) or filthy elements (example urine, blood)
    • The water has been contaminated but the quantity is more than 230 litres and the water does not change its colour, smell and taste, it can be used for drinking as well as for cleaning
    • If the quantity is more than 2 qullahs (230 litres) and one of the changes has taken place, the water can only be used for drinking and not for cleaning 
    • If the quantity is less than 2 qullahs (230 litres) and has been contaminated and whether or not changes has taken place, the water can be used only for drinking but not cleaning e.g. a cup of tea.
  2. Musta’mal  water that has been used for lifting the hadath and the quantity is less than 230 litres for example collecting water that has been used to take wudhu 
    • The water cannot be used for cleaning
    • The water can be used for drinking or cooking
    • The water can only be used to clean things that are NOT affected by najis
  3. Mushammas water that has been collected in a rusty metal container and it has left under very hot sun
    • It is not recommended (makruh) to use the water for drinking as well as for cleaning
  4. Mutanajis – water that contained najis (filth)
    • The water is less than 230 litres
    • The water has or has not change its colour, smell or taste
    • The water cannot be used for drinking or cleaning
    • If the water is more than 230 litres and the najis has caused changes in either smell, colour and taste, the water cannot be used for drinking or cleaning
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