

The importance of tasawwuf

Throughout our life we will face periods of difficulty, stress, agony, calamity, illnesses etc. How do we deal with this? By understanding tasawwuf, we can reconnect to Allah and make us stronger during the time of turbulence. It can change our outlook of life and make us have a stronger personality. We will become more calm, more focused and more productive. Tasawwuf give the meaning of life, something that Western philosophers and psychologists have tried to achieve but failed to deliver.

Those with long-term illnesses will benefit by engaging in tasawwuf as a coping mechanism that can lead to full recovery inshaAllah.

Books on Tasawwuf

the beginning of guidance

The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayat al-Hidaya)

by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

ISBN-10: 1933764066

The Mainstay

The Mainstay: A Commentary on Qasida Al-Burda

by Abdal Aziz Suraqah (Translator)

The Book of Aphorisms

The Book of Aphorisms: Being a translation of Kitab al-Hikam

by Ibn ‘Ata’illah al-Iskandari (Author),
Muhammed Nafih Wafy (Translator) 

Revival of Religion's Sciences

Revival of Religion’s Sciences
Ihya’ Ulum ad-Din
(4 volume set)

by Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali

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