

Properties on Which Zakat is Obligatory

  1. Livestock
  2. Financial assets
  3. Crops
  4. Business proceeds
  5. Treasures
  6. Mines

Zakat al-Fitr

  1. obligatory on every free Muslim, male, female or child
  2. becomes obligatory after sunset on eve of Eid al-Fitr
  3. rate: 2.036 kg of staple food of the area
  4. permisible to pay zakat al-fitrah during Ramadan. The best time is on the Eid day before the prayer. Sinful to delay it after sunset of Eid day and must still be paid after that

Distributing Zakat

Categories of receipients:

  1. Destitute
  2. Poor
  3. Zakat collector
  4. New Muslims
  5. Slaves
  6. Those in debt
  7. Those in sabilillah (striving in the way of Allah)
  8. Traveller in need of money

Impermissible Receipients

  • Someone who is self-sufficient due to wealth or work
  • Descendants of Bani Hashim or Bani al-Mutallib
  • Non-Muslims
  • Whoever the zakat-giver is required to support
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